Lingua Receptiva in the media

Much has been published in the field of lingua receptiva. Since the introduction of this concept in 2009, a growing interest can be noticed. In academics, articles have appeared, but as well journals with a broader public have paid attention to this concept. The examples given here have all appeared in Dutch or Flamish media and are therefore available in Dutch.


For some time now, Utrecht University offers lingua receptiva lectures. This form of renewed language policy in (higher) education has, amongst others, attracted the attention of the journal Transfer that published this article in volume 24 (2016-2017) as a result of an interview with Jan ten Thije and Stefan Sudhoff.

Also Neerlandia, a Dutch-Flamish journal of Language, Culture and Society < (2016, nr.4, p.34) published an article on lingua receptiva in higher education.

For the column “Collegetoer” of the digital University Utrecht magazine DUB a lingua receptiva lecture was attended in January 2017. Read the article here.

In the April edition of the online magazine Taalunie: Bericht Miet Ooit describes the background of lingua receptiva “Speech is silver, listening is golden”. The reason for this article was the workshop organised by the Taalunie in cooperation with University Utrecht, on the possibility to include lingua receptiva in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). You can read the article here and the programme of the LaRa workshop in cooperation with the Taalunie – lingua receptiva in the CEFR


On May 28th, 2014 the Humanities Magazine of Utrecht University reports on the research of Gerda Blees, Pim Mak and Jan ten Thije on the effectiveness of lingua receptiva in comparison to English as lingua franca. Read the report here and the research article here.


On  May 3rd, 2014 a column written by Leonie Cornips on border languages in Limburg appeared in the regional newspaper the Limburger. Lingua receptiva plays an inmportant role amongst Dutch youngsters regarding the contacts they have in Germany. Read the column here. The column is based on the thesis that Lonne Snijkers wrote on  cross-border communication in Limburg at Utrecht University. Read the entire thesis hier  een samenvatting en here .

On November 15th, 2013 the Language Centre of Tilburg University celebrated her 40 year jubilee with a conference on  Language policy in higher education. As a result of the plenary talk of Jan ten Thije titled Lingua receptiva in Academia various blogs appeared in the Tilburger university magazine Univers Online. Read the blogs here and here.


In a special language appendix of the Flamish newspaper De Standaard (November 5th, 2013) Maarten Dessing wrote an article titled “Met luistertaal begrijp je anderstaligen sneller.” Read the article here.

In the science section of the NRC Handelsblad (Dutch newspaper) an article with an overview of lingua receptiva appeared on June 15th, 2013 written by Liesbeth Koenen. Read the article here.


On Kennislink, a website on science, Mathilde Jansen wrote an article on the workshop and premiere of the Lingua receptiva documentary. You can read the article here.


Honours students of Utrecht University give wonderful insights in the practice of lingua receptiva in the short Lingua receptiva documentary.  Watch the  here. The Utrecht University magazine reports on their movie on May 28th, 2013. Read the here.


Leonie Cornips (May 11th, 2013) wrote a column on lingua receptiva in the regional newspaper Limburgs Dagblad/De Limburger  in which she introduces the Dutch term  “luistertalen” for the use of “luistertaal” (i.e. lingua receptiva). ‘luistertalen’ voor het gebruiken van luistertaal. Read her column here.


In November 2012 the Taalcanon appeared at the Dutch Publishing house Meulenhof, with fifty sections on ‘everything you always wanted to know about language’ (red. Marianne Boogaard and Mathilde Jansen). One of these sections concerns the question: ‘Could you understand a language without speaking it yourself? On lingua receptiva and receptive multilingualism’. Read the here.


In 2012 Simone van Klaveren created a Dutch Wikipedia page on lingua receptiva. View the  here 


On October  26th, 2012 the Flamish VRT held her fifth Language day (“Taaldag”) in cooperation with the Dutch Taalunie. The use of lingua receptiva is being discussed on the basis of three different cooking sections: hilarious and informative. View them here.


Het Taalschrift – the digital magazine of the Dutch Taalunie – also paid attention to this concept. Honours students from Utrecht wrote various articles. Read the article on the history of development and the practices of lingua receptiva.. At the bottom of this article you can also find a trailer on lingua receptiva. You can watch this trailerhere . In addition, the Taalschrift offers a article that compares the practices of lingua receptiva with those of English as lingua franca.


As well in other ways attention has been paid to the rise of lingua receptiva: the Dutch NCRV radio programme Cappuccino, for instance, invited Jan ten Thije on August 16th, 2012 for exemplification. The broadcast can be replayed here  (the item starts at 1:39:53). 


The first record of lingua receptiva can be found in an article written by Gerda Blees in the Dutch magazine on language Onze Taal (Nov. 2009). Unfortunately, only a badly readable copy of the article is availablehere.


Scientific deepening

When you log in through the Utrecht University library, the publications below are freely accessible.

In the May edition of the Applied Linguistic Review (2014, volume 5, issue 1) a special section has been devoted to lingua receptiva. The articles report on research executed on the effectiveness of lingua receptiva in comparison to English as Lingua Franca in different contexts. Read the editorial of this editionhere.

In the International Journal of Multilingualismi (2013) lingua receptiva is  in discussed in diverse settings, e.g. at work, in the army and on websites. Also diverse language contact situations (Czech/Slovak, French/German/Italian, Estonian/Russian and Scandinavian languages) are discussed. Read the editorial of this special issuehere .


In 2012, the International Journal of Bilingualismdevoted a special edition to lingua receptiva. The special issue shows the diffusion of lingua receptiva in various settings in Europe: Estonian-Finnish, Turkish-German, Turkish-Azerbaijani, Danish-Swedish and Italian-German. View the content of the journal here 


The book titled Receptive Multillingualism, Linguistic analyses, language policies and didactic concepts (ten Thije & Zeevaert, Amsterdam: Benjamins, 2007) offers a complete overview and pays attention to the history of lingua receptiva in the Hanseotic period and the Habsburg Empire as well. This book also uses the, to lingua receptiva related, concept of receptive multilingualism. Read it here



  • Lingua receptiva (2012). In Wikipedia. Visited /Lingua_receptiva on 08-11-2012.
  • Projectgroep Luistertaal (2012). Gebruik luistertaal en mensen begrijpen je. Taalschrift. Tijdschrift over taal en beleid, 90. Visited /gebruik-luistertaal-en-mensen-begrijpen-je on 16-11-2012.
  • Projectgroep Luistertaal (2012). Luistertaal! Taalschrift. Tijdschrift over taal en beleid, 90. Visited on 16-11-2012.
  • Projectgroep Luistertaal (2012). We gebruiken beter luistertaal dan Engels. Taalschrift. Tijdschrift over taal en beleid, 90. Visited on 16-11-2012.
  • Radioprogramma Cappuccino op 11 augustus 2012 (2012). Visited on 16-11-2012.


Geactualiseerd op 5 November 2017.